At Grange Park, Station Road, Long Eaton
Long Eaton United (0) 0
Worksop Town (1) 3 (Davies, Bacon, Townsend)
Admission Free, Programme 50p

A useful run around for both teams which served it's purpose, i.e. to give the players a work out towards regaining their sharpness after an enforced winter break.

The Blues however, gave a good account of themselves for the remainder of the first half and created a few half decent chances themselves.

There was a yellow letter M above the numbers on the home team's kit. I'm assuming McDonald's sponsor the back of Long Eaton United's shirts, I'd be very surprised if all of their players were called M.
I wonder if Kingstonian FC ever thought of approaching Kentucky Fried Chicken about some mutually rewarding public exposure?

Gary Townsend completed the scoring with a cheeky back-heel inside the six yard box in the final five minutes and the victory was Worksop's ... not that the score mattered all that much, tonight was mainly an opportunity for both sides to get some match practice in.
None the less, it was a pleasant enough distraction after the M.C. Dexter horror show that I saw a couple of days ago.
It's a decent set up they've got at Grange Park and there's plenty of room to expand too should the need ever arise.